Legal Tender
Money is legal tender when creditors are legally obliged to
accept it in payment of debts. The words “This note is legal tender for all
debts, private and public,” appears on all Federal Reserve Notes, meaning that
these notes are acceptable in payment of taxes or other obligations owed to the
government and also that creditors must accept the notes in payment of all
private debts.
In the expression legal tender the word tender means “offer,”
as when an individual tenders his resignation. The term tender with
reference to money arose out of actions of creditors against debtors in English
courts. A debtor could “tender” to the creditor the amount he or she thought was
owed to the creditor. If the creditor thought the sum tendered unacceptable, the
debtor could deposit the sum with the court, which would decide if the tender
met the debtor’s obligation.
The legal-tender quality of a unit of money can be restricted. The American
colonies issued paper money that was acceptable for the payment of public debts,
but not private debts. The colonial governments committed themselves to
accepting the money in payment of taxes, but did not require private creditors
to accept it in payment of debts. Currently in the United States the dime is
legal tender for all debts up to $10.
English sovereigns arrogated to themselves the privilege of coining money and
stipulated penalties for refusing to accept the king’s coinage at face value.
Orders from the crown went so far as to require the acceptance of pennies that
had been halved and demanded that anyone refusing to accept half pennies should
be seized for contempt of the king’s majesty, imprisoned, and exposed to public
ridicule in a pillory.
Although the English government threw the full weight of its sovereign power
behind its coinage, disputes between creditors and debtors continued to raise
questions, leaving with the courts the final authority for establishing the
legal-tender quality of money. An important court case in 1601, The Case of
Mixt Monies, set the legal-tender quality of money on firm footing when it
demonstrated that creditors had to accept in payment for debts the money that
was legal tender when the debt was paid, as opposed to the money that was legal
tender when the debt was incurred.
The Constitution of the United States specifies that: “No state shall coin
money; make anything but gold and silver coin a legal tender in payment of
debts.” Prior to 1862 no paper money in the United States commanded the
legal-tender status. Never theless the government often accepted bank notes and treasury
notes in payment of taxes and public land sales, giving the paper money some
legal-tender qualities. In 1862, amidst the fiscal crisis of the Civil War, the
United States government issued paper money that was legal tender for all
private debts, and many, but not all, public debts. The power of the government
to issue legal-tender paper money was challenged in the courts, but the wartime
crisis clouded the issue at first. When paper money continued to circulate after
1878 the legal-tender issue came before the Supreme Court, and in 1883 the Court
ruled in favor of the power of the federal government to issue legal-tender
paper money. In 1890 the federal government issued the first paper money that
was legal tender in payment of all private debts and all payments owed to the
Economists have not always written approvingly of governments using their
power to adjudicate disputes to render money legal tender. The famous economist
John Stuart Mill wrote in his Principles of Political Economy (Book III,
chapter vii):
Profligate governments having until a very modern period never scrupled for the sake of robbing their creditors to confer upon all other debtors a license to rob theirs by the shallow and impudent artifice of lowering the standard; that least covert of all modes of knavery, which consists in calling a shilling a pound that a debt of a hundred pounds may be canceled by the payment of one hundred shillings.
When governments become major debtors they have an incentive to change the
standard to pay off the debts, and in the twentieth century governments have
printed up legal-tender paper money to cancel large public debts, the post–World
War I government of Germany being the most notorious case. Despite the latent
possibility for abuse, governments worldwide issue legal-tender paper money,
which poses no problems as long as the supply is restricted to noninflationary
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