Yeltsin’s Monetary Reform in Russia
Russia opened the 1990s in monetary chaos, manifested by
soaring inflation, and a currency, the ruble, that had long been shielded
from the free-market forces of foreign exchange markets. In foreign exchange
markets, currencies are bought and sold with other currencies, as when Japanese
yen are purchased with United States dollars.
Under economic reforms, prices, unfettered from state controls, took off,
creating a ruble shortage that left some workers unpaid for months. Wages and
pensions rose, and the Russian government cranked up the printing presses on a
round-the-clock basis. For the month of July 1992 alone, the government printed
up more rubles than the Soviet Union government had printed up in its last 30
years. To expedite the process, the government increased the largest
denomination of the printed ruble from the 200-ruble note to the 1,000-ruble
note. Coins also became available in higher denominations. Inflation reached its
peak in 1992 when monthly inflation rates ran 15 percent, and prices increased
200 percent over the year.
In 1993 the government begin to step on the monetary brakes, but in ways that
threw the country into deeper confusion. In July the government invalidated all
rubles issued before 1993, and gave people only a few days to convert the old
rubles into new rubles. It also put a limit on the number of old rubles that
foreigners could convert into new rubles. Citizens could convert up to 35,000
old rubles into new rubles, and if they held additional rubles, these had to be
put into savings accounts for six months. By the end of 1997 annual inflation
had fallen to the 12 percent range, and the government announced a plan to lop
off three zeros from the ruble. Effective 1 January 1998, in what was
essentially an accounting reform, 1,000 rubles became 1 ruble, and all prices,
balance sheets, debts, etc., were adjusted accordingly.
One legacy of the Soviet regime was tight control over the conversion of
rubles into foreign currencies. Tourists were able to convert foreign currencies
into rubles at a rate close to a black market rate, but set by the Russian
Central Bank. Foreign-owned enterprises earning profits in rubles faced a
special difficulty. If a foreign-owned company wanted to send profits home to
the parent company, those profits had first to be converted from rubles to the
home-country currency at a disadvantageous exchange rate set by the Russian
government. To attract foreign investment, and integrate the Russian economy
into the world economy, Russia had to make the ruble convertible into foreign
currencies at free-market rates.
A loan from the International Monetary Fund helped the Russian government
marshal the foreign exchange reserves needed to establish a convertible ruble.
On 1 July 1992 the Russian government established a single exchange rate between
the dollar and the ruble at an initial rate of 126.5 rubles per dollar. The
responsibility for adjusting the rate fell to the Russian Central Bank, which
planned to set a rate based upon twice-weekly currency auctions. After July 1993 the Russian Central Bank pegged the ruble to the
dollar in a crawling peg system that avoided wild fluctuations but allowed the
ruble to depreciate over time relative to the dollar. In 1996 Russia further
broadened the ruble market by allowing foreigners to buy and sell Russian
government bonds in secondary markets. Russian government bonds, paying over 100
percent interest at times, constitute a major demand for rubles. Rubles must be
purchased first before bonds can be purchased. The astronomical interest rates
on Russian bonds were sometimes necessary to maintain a demand for Russian
rubles. Despite high Russian interest rates, the ruble steadily declined
relative to the dollar, falling to a rate of 6,200 rubles per dollar at the end
of 1997. After three zeros were lopped off, the rate became 6.2 rubles per
In 1998 the Russian government again turned to the printing press to solve
Russia’s problems, putting pressure on the ruble in foreign exchange markets.
The value of the ruble fell sharply in august, and to help cope with the crisis
the government imposed a moratorium on payments on foreign debt, significantly
adding to the severity of a global financial crisis. By the end of the year the
ruble was trading at around 20 rubles per dollar.
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