Suffolk System
The Suffolk System was the first effort to regulate private
banking in the United States. Although banking regulation later became a
government activity, the Suffolk System was born of a private initiative that
saw a need to regulate country banks.
The Suffolk Bank of Boston first established the Suffolk System in 1819 and
in 1824 six other Boston banks joined the system. The Suffolk System required
country banks around Boston to deposit reserve balances totaling $5,000 in one
or more of the seven Boston banks participating in the system. These reserve
balances acted as a guarantee that country banks could always redeem their bank
notes in specie.
In the pre–Civil War United States individual banks issued their own bank
notes, rather than the current practice of issuing checkbooks or debit cards to
accompany checking accounts. In today’s United States economy, only the Federal
Reserve System can issue bank notes. Under the banking system in which
individual banks issued their own bank notes, financially sound banks could
always redeem their bank notes in gold and silver coinage; therefore their bank
notes circulated at face value, and were accepted in trade as equivalent to gold
and silver coinage or other bank notes. Bankers, however, often fell prey to the
temptation to issue more bank notes than was reasonable, considering the bank’s
gold and silver coin reserves. This left the public holding bank notes that they
could not be confident would be redeemed in gold and silver coin. These bank
notes circulated below par and anyone accepting one of these bank notes in trade
risked taking a loss. Banks that often had to take bank notes as deposits were
particularly vulnerable to sustaining a loss from bank notes issued by
overextended banks.
The Suffolk System was designed to protect the public and Boston banks from
country banks that issued more bank notes than they could be counted on to
redeem in gold and silver coin. The Suffolk banks always accepted at par the
bank notes of country banks that maintained reserves in the Suffolk System.
In the course of trade bank notes issued by country banks flowed into the
hands of the Suffolk banks. The Suffolk banks then immediately presented these
bank notes to the issuing banks for redemption, as a way of keeping the issuing
banks honest. The Suffolk banks, however, treated the banks that kept reserves
within the Suffolk System with a certain amount of consideration, allowing these
banks to redeem their bank notes at a steady pace over time. Country banks refusing to
keep reserves in the Suffolk System often found themselves suddenly presented
with a large volume of their bank notes for immediate redemption, putting an
intolerable strain on reserves of gold and silver coin. Without a legal
sanction, the Suffolk System was able to coerce the country banks to participate
in the Suffolk System.
By 1825 virtually all New England bank notes could be converted at face value
in the bank notes of any other bank, or in gold and silver coin, due in no small
part to the discipline enforced by the Suffolk System. From 1825 to 1860 New
England boasted of the advantages of a uniform currency, a rare accomplishment
at that stage of the history of paper money in America. The practice of
centralizing reserves in a few banks made itself felt in the development of
modern central banks such as the Federal Reserve System.
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