Counterfeit Money
Counterfeit money is mostly forged or faked paper money,
sometimes referred to as funny money. Counterfeit paper money is almost as old
as paper money, and the practice of counterfeiting money survives into our own
day as governments strive to remain one technological step ahead of the
Counterfeiting became a flourishing activity early in the nineteenth century
because of the proliferation of banks issuing their own bank notes. England was
one country that did not spare the rod in handing out justice to counterfeiters.
Between 1805 and 1818 the Bank of England successfully brought 501
counterfeiters to the bar of justice, and 207 met their fate at the gallows. Not
only was it illegal to counterfeit money but having a forged note in one’s
possession was illegal and ignorance was no defense. A public outcry rose up
against savage sentences meted out to people who accidentally came into
possession of forged notes. In 1819 the Society of the Arts, concerned about the
hanging of innocent people, published its Report on the Mode of Preventing
the Forgery of Bank Notes. The report found fault with the Bank of England
for issuing bank notes too easily counterfeited, and proposed a distinct set of
copper plates and employment of highly skilled artists to design notes and
engrave plates.
The sight of two women hanged for passing forged notes led George Cruikshank,
cartoonist and political satirist, to produce an antihanging note: His “Bank
Restriction Note” bore an image of Britannia with a skull instead of a head
against a background of despairing figures and highlighting 11 individuals
hanging from scaffolds. The note also bore the signature of Jack Ketch, a
notorious public hangman. Cruikshank’s note sparked riots in London, and the
government appointed a royal commission to find ways of producing notes that
could not be imitated. England turned to the American firm of Murray, Draper,
Fairman & Company, which had revolutionized bank-note printing using a
siderographic transfer process and highly complicated background patterns. The
siderographic process facilitates the exact duplication of engraved steel plates
by using alternating hardened and softened steel cylinders to pass on imprints.
An employee, Jacob Perkins, inventor of these processes, offered his services to
the Bank of England, won a contract, and the firm of Perkins Bacon became the
premier producer of postage stamps and paper money worldwide during the
nineteenth century.
Counterfeiting is sometimes a state-sponsored activity, with the object of
producing confusion and social unrest in enemy countries. The Bank of England
counterfeited vast numbers of assignats, the famous French paper money of
the French Revolution that touched off a wave of hyperinflation. One of the
largest counterfeiting schemes in history was Operation Bernhard, the code name
for Nazi Germany’s vast program for counterfeiting Bank of England notes.
Apparently the Soviet Union also resorted to counterfeiting as a weapon in the
arsenal of revolution.
Thanks to an international conference held in Geneva in 1929 counterfeiting
laws are relatively uniform among various countries. Counterfeiting either
domestic currency or foreign currency is illegal, and counterfeiters are subject
to extradition. Printing counterfeit money is invariably a felony offense
drawing a prison sentence, but incidental offenses, such as owning
counterfeiting equipment or possessing counterfeit money, usually draw lesser
The development of high-quality color copying machines and sophisticated
offset printing operations has complicated the problem of combating
counterfeiters. The United States now impresses a thin polyester thread into its
federal reserve notes. The thread runs vertically to the left of the Federal
Reserve seal, and can be seen when the note is held up to a light. The notes
also have the words “United States of America” microprinted in letters that can
only be read with magnification. Despite these innovations, counterfeiting
remains a major problem in the United States.
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