Corn Banks of Egypt
Ptolemaic Egypt (323–30 b.c.)
developed a highly sophisticated system of warehouse banking based on corn, a
traditional form of money in Egypt. The Egyptians applied the knowledge of Greek
banking to scattered government granaries that dotted the landscape in every
locality of any consequence, and turned them into a national network of corn
banks with headquarters in Alexandria. Even after Greek coinage spread to Egypt
with the conquest of Alexander the Great, corn remained an important standard of
value in the feudal economy of Egypt. The government and rich merchants
jealously hoarded coins and precious metals to finance foreign transactions.
Lower- and middle-class Egyptians transacted business in the domestic economy
with deposits in corn banks, habituating the entire population to using
Originally, farmers stored their annual crop of corn in government granaries
for safety and convenience. The government collected taxes in corn, which was
also deposited in granaries. The Egyptians lumped corn of the same quality
together in the granaries and learned to exchange the ownership of corn without
the corn leaving the granary—the first step in the development of corn banking.
The owners of the corn could pass written orders of withdrawal of corn to pay
debts and taxes, or to purchase goods and services. By the time of the
Ptolemies, Egyptians had become accustomed to paying debts through the bank, a
practice that had the additional advantage of creating an official record of
transactions that could be helpful in the event of litigation.
The Ptolemaic Egyptians developed the banking expertise to centralize the
accounting and management of a nationwide network of corn bank granaries from
one headquarters in Alexandria. The centralized accounting and management
afforded depositors the ability to transfer funds to other regions, creating one
of the first money transfer systems. A thousand years before the development of
double-entry bookkeeping, the Egyptians developed a system of debit and credit
entries and deposit transfers that made use of the grammar of their language.
Credit entries fell under the genitive or possessive case, and the dative case
stood for debit entries. Records show that often deposits were transferred from
one account to another without corn leaving the granary. Referring to the
bookkeeping principles, M. Rostovtzeff, in his Social and Economic History of
the Hellenistic World, says “I have mentioned this detail in bank procedure,
familiar in modern times, because many eminent scholars have thought it
improbable that such transfers were made in ancient times.”
The grain bank network of Ptolemaic Egypt is the only banking institution of
the ancient world that bears comparison with the greatest banks of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Sufficient records concerning the volume of
accounts, number of branches, and employees are extant to form a picture of the
vast influence it wielded over the Egyptian economy. In addition, the Ptolemies
of Egypt probably deserve the distinction of being first to advance banking as a
government enterprise.
The royal grain bank of Egypt demonstrates that precious metals are not a
necessary component of a sophisticated monetary system. Any commodity that has a
dependable market value can fill the role of a monetary standard. The annual
flood of the Nile river helped stabilize corn production in Egypt and shield it
from the whims of the weather, making the supply of corn sufficiently stable to
form a monetary base.
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